Sunday, 16 February 2014

自分を嬉しくする。新しい発見!/ A new discovery about making myself happy!

This isn't exactly the same thing as the happiness research I did last year(English / Japanese), but it's somewhat related. Basically just noting down some (to me) interesting things about how my brain works and thus what kind of person I am.

このブログは去年の幸せの研究のブログ (英語 / 日本語) と同じじゃないけれども、ちょっと関係がある。基本的に、自分の脳がどんな制度であるや、俺がどんな人である事に就いて(俺に)面白い点を記すブログに成る筈。

The two things I learned from the happiness research, phylisophy, thinking or whatever you want to call it, were one that I don't like to waste time and want to use it as the valuable resource it is and two that asking myself the question "am I happy?" too often and overthinking things makes unhappy. This second discovery is the reason I stopped thinking about it for the most part. However, I recently discovered some more stuff without really thinking too deeply about it.


It started with the fact that a lot of things have been bothering me as of late. Little illnesses and stuff. In the last 2-2.5 months I've:
-Had to take a week off from fitness due to a muscle in my upper back/shoulder that unluckily stretched in a not so good way.
-Been out with a cold for about a week.
-Caught an ear infection that came back twice and after visiting a doctor twice still isn't 100%
-Got really scared when my knee started bothering me in the same way it did last summer and paid 5500JPY for a cab to save myself from walking a few hundred meters while changing trains. Physio took a look and seems like it was just some tightness in my right quadricep causing my knee to hurt, so it luckily turns out not to be that bad.


This stuff just messes with my rhythm and flow like crazy and gets me out of my beloved daily routine. It also messes with my focus and motivation. It's not like I haven't dealt with uncontrollable setbacks before... being able to deal with the uncontrollable may be the single most important skill a professional poker player can have. However, being kicked out of my regular routine really stresses me out. Especially when it means not going to the gym regularly (and by regularly I mean at least 5 times a week).


However, yesterday I realized there is one thing that stresses me out even much more than uncontrollable things that mess up my routine and progress. Yesterday there was a CRAZY amount of snow in Japan (got a ton of pictures, but my picture blog will be the next blog... sorry!), so crazy that it was extremely hard to go anywhere. I had to go to the ear doctor, but instead of the usual 5-10 minute walk it took me 30 minutes and I was soaked when I got there. Especially my feet and socks were cold and wet.

 しかし、昨日コントロールが出来なくて日課を取り乱す物よりもっともっと緊張する物存在してるに気づいた。昨日、日本で雪が一杯降り積もってた。 (写真を沢山撮ったけど、次のブログに成る。ごめん!) どこにも行きにくい程一杯。耳鼻咽喉科に行かなきゃ行けなかったけど、普通の5,10分位じゃなくて、30分掛かって、到着したら、ずぶ濡れだった。

So after I got back, I decided I couldn't go out and there wasn't really any work laying around I could do either, so I wasn't really sure what to do. Could've studied some Japanese, but 12 hours long? Considered doing a LotR marathon, but I've seen it over 10 times already. I wasn't really sure, because I'm not sure what else I can do besides work and socializing. I decided I'd play a videogame(hadn't played any in AGES) and try to enjoy it.

帰って来てから、出掛けられない事にして、仕事もあまりあらなかったので、「どうしようかなあ。日本語の勉強は?うーん、12時間で?指輪物語マラソンは?もう10回以上見たけど。」と思ってた。仕事と交流の他意外の出来る事は全く出て来なかった。結局ビデオゲームをやる事 (凄い久しぶりであった) にして、楽しもうとした。

It wasn't bad, an okay way to kill time, but nonetheless I felt HORRIBLE at the end of the day. Why? Well... I noticed my subconscious mind rebelled against me wasting that much time. I don't mind if I watch a movie every now and then and I don't view everything tiny thing as a waste of time, but playing video games specifically and for that many hours... something in me wasn't pleased. That little something made me feel extremely stressed out and kind of sick in a way. Fortunately enough I went to the gym today, had a fun time getting my hair cut and was able to be quite productive. For a lot of people, exercise and work are reasons for stress, but for me it has the opposite effect. It soothes me and without either I get very stressed.

悪くなかったのに、日の終わりに気分が酷く成って来た。何で?じゃ、潜在意識の精神は 時間を潰してた俺に反発した。玉に映画を見るのが好きで、細かい奴を全て勿体無いとして見る訳ではないんだけど、ビデオゲームこそ、そしてあんなに長くやったから、自分の奥の何か喜んでなかった。あの小さな何か自分を緊張掛けた。良い事に、今日はフィットネスに行ったり、髪の毛を切って貰ったり、時間を生産的に過ごしたりしたので、もう大丈夫。沢山の人達に取っては運動とか仕事等が緊張する物であるんだが、俺に取って逆の効果を持ってる。自分を宥めて、無しで大変緊張する事に成る。

I'm not sure I'll always be like this, but currently... this is me.


So I guess lessons learned are:

1) Don't concern myself with the uncontrollable, focus on what I can control. (I already knew this, but need to do a better job)

2) Work more or be unhappy... :)


1) コントロールが出来ない事を考えなずにコントロールが出来る事をフォーカスして。 (もう知ってたけど、もっと頑張らなきゃ)

2)もっと働いて。それとも、幸せじゃない。。。 ^_^

Unless something crazy happens, I'll post a blog with all the pictures I've taken soon!



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