At the start of June it looked like business wouldn't be as busy for a while, so I decided I'd focus on studying Japanese and improving my Japanese skill, which I had been slacking on for a while. I had already finished a beginner and intermediate textbook and was a little lost what the next best step would be. Eventually I concluded that the better I understand kanji, the more my Japanese skill would improve.
It wasn't the first time I decided to study kanji. I had studied kanji intensively for about a month before officially moving to Japan. I stayed in Japan for 3 months to decide whether I really wanted to move to Japan or not and studied a couple of hours a day for about a month. Every day I'd write 10 kanji and remember 2 words in which that kanji is used. Of course I also reviewed those kanji for a while after first learning them. This time however, I decided I wanted to develop a more efficient kanji learning system.
I first tried the somewhat well known Heisig method, but it requires you to learn the meaning of 2000 characters before learning any of there really useful stuff like the Japanese and Chinese readings of each character and what words kanji are used in. After a few days I gave up, because it just didn't suit me at all. From there on out I tried to find out how actual Japanese people themselves study kanji. I didn't find out how they study in school, but I did discover how Japanese people outside of school study kanji. Namely with the Kanji Kentei Step Books aimed towards people taking the Kanji Kentei test. This method of studying is very systematic and therefore really suits me, so I decided to go with it.
I'll explain my method in more detail. For every kanji I first thoroughly investigate them with a dictionary and note them down in electronic flash cards. After that I choose at least one word for each Japanese and each Chinese reading and save those to a flash card too. Whenever possible I choose common words that are often used, although this got rather hard when I got to level 4 and 3. From there on out, I write the kanji a few times. Once I finish doing this with all the kanji in a certain chapter I solve the exercises in the book and continue on with the next chapter. On top of this I review all the flash cards I create for the following 1-2 months in increasingly longer intervals. During these 5 months I studied about 150-200 flashcards on average per day for about 1-2 hours a day. After I finished those, I'd move on to learning new kanji.
In the current day in age it's not all that useful to posses the ability to write kanji and because it also takes a lot of time to learn and remember how to write all the characters I had never studied writing before. However, to study using the Kanji Kentei Step method, you have to learn how to write them as well. Because the study method intrigued me so much, I decided to go with it anyway. I could probably recognize about 600 kanji in context, but write maybe 50 at most, so I had to restart from the very beginning with Level 10(the lowest level, with 1 being the highest. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, sub-2, 2, sub-1, 1).
Levels 10, 9 and 8 were rather easy, because I often saw and read the vast majority of the kanji and knew the majority of compound words they are used in. As a result I went through these first three levels rather quickly. However, after the first three it gradually became more and more difficult. In level 7 there were kanji such as "麦芽" meaning "Malt" that I had never encountered before and aren't used very often. At the start of July I had already learned 600 something kanji and started level 7.
During July I was extremely ill for 2 weeks and felt like shit for another 2, but despite all of this I nonetheless managed to finish level 7 and 6. In August I started level 5 which became even more difficult. The amount of kanji I recognized continuously declined and the ones I had never seen before continuously increased. I think I was able to recognize about half the kanji in level 5. Because work was a little busier in August I only managed to finish level 5.
In September I fell ill just like July and couldn't study at all for a week. Regardless, I finished the even more difficult level 4. At this point there were far more kanji that I had never seen before than that I already knew and the kanji I didn't know also significantly increased in difficult. There were many with extremely abstract meanings that even after looking up the English translation in the dictionary I didn't understand. Fortunately enough my friend who used to be the #2 scrabble player in the world and is still one of the top players helped me out with his vast vocabulary.
When October started, I decided I'd take the actual Kanji Kentei test level 3 on the 26th of October. For that purpose I studied like a madman and finished the level 3 kanji(over 300!!) in less than 2 and a half weeks. There were very few kanji in level 3 that I already knew. I think that over 90% I had never seen before and that for over 80% of them I had never heard any of the words they were used in. The kanji I didn't know also further increased in abstractness and there were many kanji with nearly the same meaning as other kanjis I had learned before, thus increasing confusion, which one is which. I'm not sure how I managed to complete level 3 and learn over 300 new characters in under 3 weeks, but it was extremely hard and although I love kanji, studying wasn't fun at all during this period.
The week before the actual exam I made past exams to prepare. Out of the 14 I made I passed all but 2, so I was pretty confident albeit EXHAUSTED going into the exam.
A past exam I barely failed
A past exam I barely passed
The best score I got on a past exam
The exam location that had been appointed to me was Teikyou University near Juujou station. It was pretty busy and just as I expected I was the only non-Japanese person to take the test. Most of the test takers were middle school and high school students. Most of them were probably encouraged to take the test by their parents and/or teachers, so none really seemed to be too worried about the test. I however, wanted to pass extremely badly and was extremely nervous.
After the test started I continued to be nervous for a while, but after about 15-20 minutes had passed I realized the test was actually extremely easy and loosened up. It was actually so easy that I finished the entire test in under 45 minutes and the explanation by the person in charge before the test began was harder! I used the remaining 15 minutes to review my own answers, but the only change I made actually ended up being me changing a correct answer into an incorrect one... oh well.
結果は40日間掛かるが、自分の答えを審査したと、多分176点で合格したと判断した。合格点は140点だから、幾つかの答えを見損なったとしても、合格したはずだ。驚くことに、最初に一番難しい四字熟語の問題は満点! \(^o^)/
It takes about 40 days until I get the result, but when I went over my own answers, it looked like I probably passed with about 176/200 points. 140 points are necessary to pass, so it should leave enough room for mistakes I missed. Surprisingly enough, I ended up getting a perfect score on the part that was initially the hardest (4 kanji compound words)!
The actual exam
A bunch of friends helped me with my 4 Kanji Compounds
Because I studied WAY too much for 5 months, I want to take a little break from it in November, but I think I want to take level sub-2 as well at some point. There's a chance I'll take level 2 too eventually, but I haven't decided on that yet. I have decided however, that I will definitely not take level sub-1 and level 1, because they're nothing but a waste of time and self-torture. The kanji you learn there are practically never used (kanji for specific flowers/mushrooms, different ways to write kanjis you've already learned that went out of practice hundreds of years ago etc. etc.).
俺は大学に行ってから、「凄いなぁ」と社会に思われることをかなりやって来て、「フランク、凄いなぁ!」と友達に誉められて頂く事も結構あって、「君を凄く誇っている」ともよく親に言われてくれる。他方で俺自身は「そんなに凄くなくて、普通だよ」と思っていて、誇られてくれたことは今まで一回も無いかも知れない。しかし、5ヶ月以内漢字検定10級から3級まで登って、フラッシュカードを6000枚作って記憶して、漢字を1609字覚えることは。。。一日当たり10字以上だ。 (0_0)
Ever since I've gone to university I've engaged in quite a few things that society considers 'amazing'. Friends have also told me every now and then that this or that thing I have done is amazing and my parents tell me they're proud of me extremely often. I myself on the other hand haven't ever been proud of anything in particular that I've done and always think it's not that amazing and pretty normal. Things just don't impress me very quickly. However, going from Kanji Kentei level 10 to 3 in under 5 months, creating and remembering 6000 flash cards and learning 1609 kanji, which is over 10 a day...
I may be proud of myself a little bit for the first time in my life, but as I grow stronger and become wiser, I wonder if this will also gradually become normal.